Friday, June 25, 2010


One definition for nostalgic is.....a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a formertime in one's life. This is true for me in reference to my kids. I love creating traditions for our family. Simple traditions that do not overwhelm me at the thought of upholding them. Traditions that help them to see that a simple life is a BEAUTIFUL one.....

When I look back at my life, before and after my parents divorcing, much of it I see in small snapshots, quick memories, that for some reason, I have held tight to and filed away in my head to ensure its return in my journey of parenthood.

Dudes Donuts is one of those memories. It might be attributed to this place being trapped in time....

quite literally.......

From the use of this register, with the pull down handle and cha-ching with every purchase.....
to the CASH only sign and white paper napkin hats the donut makers wear......

I remember walking to this place with my Dad, the smell when you enter, and all the writing on the wall. The rows of donuts behind the glass, and picking out the perfect donut for my growling tummy. 

It's a great place to carry on a tradition....

to pass along a simple pleasure......

to create in them a wistful desire......

and pass it on to their children.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are so good at making memories with your kiddos...I am going to have to start being more conscious of that from now on. Thanks for another lesson ;-) B