Sunday, June 19, 2011

Are you Watching?

Dear Ben, 
Are you watching him?
When he turns off the television and reads you a book.
When he laughs his silly laugh as if no one else in the world can hear him.
Are you watching him?
Are you watching him?
When he is loyal to his closest friends, and willing to do what he can for them.
When he thanks Mommy for every meal and all she does.
Are you watching him?
Are you watching him?
When he respects his parents and in-laws and elders.
When he coaches you in sports.
When he reads you Bible stories and takes us all to church.
Are you watching him?
Are you watching him?
When he is o.k. with crying when he is moved.
When he lets you help him make breakfast, even if he is in a hurry.
When he does the dishes and cleans your rooms.
Are you watching him?
Are you watching him?
When he helps you learn new things with so much patience and love.
When he hangs out with you and lets Mommy have time for herself.
Are you watching him?
Are you watching him?
When he takes care of your sister and tells her how loved she is.
And when he expects the same from you.
Are you watching him?
Are you watching him?
When he throws you on his back or shoulders, even when he is tired.
When he wrestles with you and plays with you, even when the game is on.
Are you watching him?
Are you watching him?
Play dolls and dress-up and girly stuff with your sister.
Are you watching him?
When he is a part of most of our family time and adventures.
Are you watching him?
When he doesn't take himself too seriously.

Are you watching him?
When he tells you elaborate good night stories every night he is home to put you to bed.
{which is almost all of them}

Are you watching him?
When he does not wear his emotions on his sleeves and keeps a level head.
Are you watching him?
When he flirts with Mommy, even when they have been married for 11 years.
Are you watching him?
Are you watching him?
Be the Dad I can only hope you become for your children
{With YOUR own twist of course.}

Are you watching him?


Unknown said...

I haven't told you that I think this is one of your BEST posts ever. What a lovely present for both dad and son. You are so good with words...:) I am amazed each time I read your blog.

Sharla Wood said...

This made me cry. So beautiful!