Yesterday was her last day of school, tomorrow will be his.
They have been "students" at this school all year long.
Some would probably ask why we spend the money for 9-12/three days a week when I am a SAHM.
It has been such a blessing in our lives, and I would trade it for little else.
Just a touch of socialization, cooperative play, exposure to having a teacher,
and all the other details in between.
I love that my kids already understand structure and routine, have learned to listen to other adults and have no problem with me leaving them....
reminding me "Mommy always comes back, right?"
They have learned to love other adults that are not family (and been loved in return), been exposed to kids that are different and similar them, and acquired skills I am not sure they would have in their set had they been learning from me.
I am so glad they have had this exposure to pre-school, and because it has been so positive for them, they associate school with positive feelings.
What a priceless gift to give my sweet tag-a-longs.
Thank you to Miss Ashley, Miss Joy, Miss Jessi, Miss Jeananne, Fisherman Todd, and Miss Kim
for giving my children such a gift!