Monday, September 21, 2009

The Third Thursday

Last Thursday, this town I grew up in, moved back to, and now raise my kids in had a little art fair/animal exhibit/gathering of, smattering of, people on downtown Main Street. Our proud family of four decided to check it out.
As I have mentioned in previous posts, B and E love a good fountain. I knew that our local newspaper had a few fountains in front (and on Main St. too), so B and E filled their wallets with "monnies" and we began our evening with tossing handfuls of shiny rounds into the water.
After too many trips balancing their way around the rim of the fountains to count, a rest was in need. So a stop off on the bench with "Copper" was the next on our agenda.
A visit to the grassy knoll in front of the library to see a few birds, one would normally spot high in a tree or captured in a photograph, up close and personal! B especially enjoyed this leg of our adventure!
We ran into Nonni, had a quick visit, saw Uncle Chet in the new store, and shared a yummy sandwich to round out the evening.
Want to take a guess where we will be the third Thursday in October?

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