Friday, May 1, 2009


It was recommended to me by many brave parents who have gone before me to battle the tonsils and adenoids,  that we keep B awake as late as possible the night before the surgery, eating and drinking to heart's content. So, last night E stayed with Mimi and Papa and B got a special night with Dad-o and MomBE. The night, complete with the house of bounce, ice cream, and a late night showing of Scooby-Doo ended around 10:00. This allowed for B to be carried out of his bed this am with no challenge whatsoever. B did not even ask for a drink and was quite the entertainment for all the nurses at the surgery center when we arrived. Three breathes into the "bubble gum" mask (that is what it smelled like) and fast asleep!

After waiting for the storm to pass, the doctor brought him a beanie baby moose named "twiller" to comfort him, (all B wanted was the blue latex glove the Dad-o had blown up for him) answered questions the Dad-o and I had about the surgery, and wheeled him off in the jeep wagon. 15 minutes pass, he wakes like a BEAR, wanting the IV out of his arm, the name tag off his ankle and the gown OFF his body! A fully medicated, tonsil-free B gets home to lay on the couch and refuse all forms of liquid/solid his MomBE and Dad-o offer for about an hour.

He then rises from his semi-slumber and requests the bubbly soda like Nonni drinks and Poppy pancakes with Peanut Butter and syrup.  

We LOVE you B, you are so strong and so brave!

1 comment:

Brittne said...

Aww bless his heart!